We show up at your place to offer you a free estimate & inspection. No extra fees or charges!
REQUEST SERVICEWe value your time & business, so we guarantee you an exceptional same day service .
REQUEST SERVICEWe guarantee you Quick & highly professional technicians, reliable customer reviews & tips.
REQUEST SERVICETo properly clean your duct and vents in Houston & Dallas, Texas, you need a long hose and a special rotating brush connected to the hose. The hose needs to be long enough to reach your entire ducts. This equipment is not usually found in every house, and not everybody knows how to operate it.
That's why you need a professional cleaning service like FreshAirDuct Cleaning. Get a Professional cleaning and examination. Ducts clean-up might be hard for those who are not familiar with it. It's easy when you let the professionals do the work for you. We will come to your property & determine the issue & give you a free estimate!